Purim - Amazing Discovery!

Yaacov and Leah were married on Purim. How do I know?   Pay close attention and you will see the truth of this amazing discovery!

The Yalkut Shimoni lists the birthdays of all 12 of Yaacov’s sons. Reuven, the oldest, was born on the 14th of Kislev. Count back nine months and you arrive at the 14th day of Adar - Purim !

But - you say - pregnancies are not necessarily exactly nine months long. Wait!

Rashi says that Leah became pregnant on the night of her marriage. And in the blessings Yaacov bestowed upon his sons just before he died, he tells Reuven that his first-born was rayshees oni. Rashi says that means it was the first time Yaacov had ever ejaculated in his life. The combination of this fact and the fact that Leah became pregnant on the night of her wedding more readily lends credence to accepting a nine-month pregnancy - right to the day.

But - you say - that is still not enough evidence of Purim being the date of the wedding. Wait! There is more!

The Gemorrah Megillah says that because of the tznius of Rachel, Shaul HaMelech was descended from her. And because of Shaul’s tznius, Esther and Mordechai were descended from him. Rashi explains that this tznius of Rachel was that she gave her sister Leah the secret simonim - signs - that would identify her as the bride that night. Yaacov suspected Lavan of possibly switching brides at the last minute, so he exchanged these signs with Rachel so that they would not be duped by her father. But Rachel could not face seeing her older sister embarrassed in public. It was not Leah’s fault that their father, Lavan, was a dishonest man. So she gave her the signs - and, in so doing, gave up her husband to Leah - rather than shame her sister in front of everyone. Rachel had no way of knowing at that time she would also marry Yaacov one week later.

For this act of tznius, she was rewarded with descendants like Shaul HaMelech and, thereafter, Esther and Mordechai - the heroes of the Miracle of Purim.

On the very night of the 14th of Adar - when she was to marry Yaacov - she was rewarded with descendants that were to become the central figures in the story of Purim !

And if you read the part of the Torah that describes the wedding, you will be amazed to see the word that is chosen to describe this celebration - mishteh! The very word that epitomizes the Purim meal, commemorating the miracle that took place on this holiday!

And if you read the Haggadah of Pesach carefully, Lavan is described as follows:
Lavan beekesh la-akor es ha-kol. This is referring to Lavan chasing Yaacov years later as he was returning to Canaan with his family. Lavan was intent on wiping out Yaacov and his entire family - exactly as Haman had intended to eradicate every Jew in the 127 provinces of King Achash-verosh. Lavan and Haman are one and the same!

So next time you celebrate Purim by raising a cup of wine and drinking, remember that this festive occasion also marks the wedding anniversary of Yaacov and Leah. And Rachel’s unselfish act of kindness that very night resulted in the miracle, through her descendants - Esther and Mordechai!

Remember this the next time you are tempted to say or do something that would embarrass someone in front of others ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !  

